Ideally Realistic Holiday Review

With three children now, still working somewhat, attempting to recover good health, attempting to somewhat keep up with a healthy diet while combating serious nursing difficulties over the past few weeks my real life has been in pretty stark contrast to my ideal life. Looking back over the Holidays makes me giggle a little. Cuz laughing at myself is a healthy, sanity saving skill I learned a while back.

Our ideal tree, the one that we created hand made ornaments for out of natural and or reusable supplies while having fun with the kids making memories as we made the ornaments was supposed to look something like the one pictured below.


In real life, aka as reality our tree looked like a hobo’s collection of ornaments exploded upon it, barely snagging the branches in places and hanging in grouped clusters in others. It’s what happens when kids decorate a tree. Not to mention the bottom half the tree was adorned with everything deemed unbreakable while anything remotely breakable was assigned to the upper half. That is what happens when reality includes a tall toddler man cub loose on the premises. Reality tree also had both white lights and colored lights…mixed…which seemed like it must be breaking some cardinal tree decorating rule somewhere.  In my sleep deprived state state at the time I ended up comforting myself by making it a life metaphor for how beautiful messy, mixed up, rule breaking, lives can be. After all some of my favorite photos by favorite photographers are ones in which all the ‘rules’ are broken. Never-mind they are tastefully and strategically broken…not strung together in tangled chaos because 2/3rds of the strings of lights mysteriously refused to work this year.

Oh and what about the tree topper you may be wondering? What tree topper? That’s right. Our tree had no topper this year. Was going to get one and then never got my act together to buy one or make one.


Our kids thought it was the most beautiful tree ever. And made so many happy memories working on it. My theory is that charlie brown homely trees make kids happier than beautifully and artistically themed for optimal aesthetic pleasure trees do.

In an ideal world, we were going to make 7 different kinds of gourmet cookies in large batches, from scratch with all natural ingredients spread out over several days. Once they were all completed they would be divided up into beautifully arranged cookie gift platters and given to relatives, neighbors and friends. It was going to look something like what is pictured below.


Reality was that one single type of cookie was made in one large batch. It took all evening with my little helpers fully engaged to bake sheets and sheets of cookies while the little ones took turns helping with the decorating icing bags and naturally dyed sugar sprinkles. That single solitary type of cookie ended up looking like this after they were decorated and left for the icing to firm up on cooling wracks…Picture taken just prior to the previously mentioned bear cub toddler helping himself to them by shoving a chair over to the area to gain access.


Returned to the kitchen to find the icing scraped off of half of them and about a third of them crumbled into a pile of crumbs. Yup. That was memory making reality. Our cookie gift baskets were stocked with Trader Joe’s cookies instead. Bless them for both having a wonderful holiday variety along with lots of gluten free options as well and fairly wholesome ingredient listings. It hurt my perfectionistic, bakers heart to the core but it got the job done.

Ideally we were going to spend the days leading up to Christmas doing all sorts of fun, Advent themed projects while carefully packing gifts for the many family members we planned to see on our long anticipated trip down to my home state of GA. It was going to be organized, neat and tidy, personalized and done on time because I had a plan.

Reality was our wee baby boy got sick. Very sick. The trip was cancelled while we waited hour by hour to see if we would have to take him to the ER. He took a drastic turn for the better the day after we were supposed to leave and we decided to go after all. We packed in a mad, slapdash manner. All order out the window. Barely grabbing enough supplies to throw together basic gifts for the family without all the personalized notes and special touches that were planned.

Almost all of the ‘ideals’ and plans my over achieving self could come up with went up in flames this year. Reality came along and tore them to bits, trompled all over them and ground them into oblivion for good measure. While nothing that came out of my holiday was Pinterest worthy…it was perfect. Beautifully sweet. Peaceful. Surrounded by loving people. My sweet little immediate family and lots of extended family from all sides. Overwhelmed by generosity to us and our kids. Delicious food. And an older generation that we may not see again earth-side meeting our youngest. Tears of happiness were shed more than once.

Granny Roberts and Doodles IMG_5791 IMG_5808 IMG_5821 IMG_5741

I wouldn’t trade one minute of what the Reality of our Christmas Holiday was for any of what my ideal plans were. Ok, I take that back. Maybe for the cookies. Those were going to be some incredible cookies. Ah well. There is always next year! =D

Hope the Holiday Reality you experienced was every bit as wonderful as the one we were blessed to have.

Sinus and Cough Travel Buster Tip

We decided to take a last minute trip to GA this weekend to see my family. The day before we left I had that pre-sickness “ick” feeling all day. Downing immune boosting supplements and of course my trusty Gut Guardian since I’m still faithfully plugging away at the challenge I blogged about a couple of weeks ago. No specific symptoms developed other than a mild sore throat from drainage. A few spritzes of Bee’s Aid and all was well.

Steve woke up the morning of our departure feeling like I had the day before. We discussed staying home since it was obvious both of us were actively fighting off the cold Doodlebug had been so generously sharing with us for a couple of weeks. She of course got it from a friend who generously shared it with her. Such sharing people we all are. Packing extra supplements in our handy travel supplement bag along with our travel case of essential oils and diffuser we decided to go anyway. We were already packed! Plus, without any specific symptoms other than “I think maybe kinda sorta we might be getting sick” it seemed like the lamest of reasons to cancel.

So off we went. As long as we stayed on top of the supplements we all felt pretty good. Kinda tired but we were sleep deprived and traveling. We took care to eat as well as we could traveling and I packed an ice chest from home with an electric skillet to do a bit of hotel room cooking to save us from the necessity of eating out much. The first night in the hotel we noticed we were struggling with stuffy noses. My chest felt a bit tight. An experienced asthmatic (although inhaler free for years now!) I knew to take that as a serious indication that my body was struggling to get on top of this thing. Concerned that I might be on the brink of succumbing despite the  the diffuser running I decided to get creative with the tools we have here in the hotel room.

Step one was to utilize the coffee maker for a much healthier purpose than coffee. I cranked it up with a full pitcher of water.

Hotel Room Coffee Maker with Plain Water

Hotel Room Coffee Maker with Plain Water

Next was a stop by the handy dandy essential oil travel case to select which oils I wanted to use in this particular concoction.

Essential oil padded Travel Case

Essential oil padded Travel Case

My selection was a bit random, but they would all help each other to get the job done.

Essential Oils for sinus pressure and chest tightness

Essential Oils for sinus pressure and chest tightness

Waiting for the water to finish getting nice and hot I sprinkled drops of the oils in varying amounts into the bottom of the hotel provided disposable coffee cup. Once the water was nice and hot I poured it in on top of the prepared essential Oils in the cup. The steamy rich aroma of the blend instantly rose up around me. Ahhhh. Nice! It started working right away.

Pouring hot water over essential oils in cup

Pouring hot water over essential oils in cup

Grabbing a towel and throwing it over my head as the last step I got settled in and breathed in the steam as deep as I could through my nose and deep into my lungs.

Towel Donned and steamy cup of essential oil laced hot water in hand

Towel Donned and steamy cup of essential oil laced hot water in hand

10 Minutes of this “breathing treatment” and all my sinus pressure was gone and the tightness in my chest had loosened. Whew. I’m going to be able to sleep much better tonight. Sometimes the extra moisture in a steam delivery method makes the essential oils more effective. In my experience this is especially true of chest tightness. The moisture helps everything let go and relax faster and more effectively than just the cold mist diffusing of the oils. The cold mist diffuser is helpful, don’t get me wrong, it’s what keeps our noses clear all night long as we sleep but for that immediate fast relief nothing beats a steamy oil treatment.

What is your favorite sickness busting travel trick?






Maui Memories Part 2

We all got our mandatory sunburns around our second day in Maui. they were all pretty light except for Steve. He was doing the lobster imitation for a while but after a few rub downs of Miracle it converted into a nice tan.

Turns out Caleb-baby wasn’t much a fan of the water. Surprised me since he’s normally such a water baby with the bath tub and swimming pools. Something about the waves kinda threw him for a loop.

Caleb waiting on his first wave

Caleb waiting on his first wave

He loved hanging out on the beach with his Daddy and watching everything.

Caleb and Steve

Caleb and Steve

Doodlebug adored making what she referred to as “mud castles” and dancing in and out of the waves as they rolled in.

Doodles Dancing in the waves

Doodles Dancing in the waves

Running from a wave!

Running from a wave!

Our wonderful host family’s oldest daughter was super sweet and kind to Doodles during our visit. From dressing her up and doing makeup…

Queen Doodles!

Queen Doodles!

She also hung out with her and took walks on the beach.

Noelle and Bri walking Kam1 at Sunset

Noelle and Bri walking Kam1 at Sunset

It’s a pretty rare thing to run into tweens who are authentically nice, kind individuals with genuine sweetness and care of others. Bri was a joy to be around. Helpful, intuitive and friendly. It just so happens that this week she turns 11! Happy Birthday Bri! Thanks so much for everything you did that made our Maui vacation special. Doodles was especially blessed to be able to spend time with you. You are a beautiful girl from the inside out in every way.

Happy birthday Bri!

Happy birthday Bri!

Bri’s brothers were also Doodlebugs companions for the week. A and J were double fun and occasionally double trouble the whole time. It was fantastic for Doodles to hang out with some all-boy boys of the rough and tumble variety. Her excessive drama just with them and it was both funny and great to watch their worlds collide.

J-boy impersonating a billygoat on the Maui lava rocks

J-boy impersonating a billygoat on the Maui lava rocks

One of our favorite things to do as a family while we were in Maui was to walk the 1 block from our hosts family down to Kam1 Beach and watch the sunset.

Me, Caleb in the Ergo and Noelle on Kam1 at sunset

Me, Caleb in the Ergo and Noelle on Kam1 at sunset


Maui Memories Part 1

Whew. We are home. Didja read that? HOME sweet home in dear ol’ muggy TN. The trip back was stressful. A lot more stressful than going. 3 flights back. A total of 13 hours in the air. Our first layover was made up of 45 minutes off the plane in which time we did a bathroom run, diaper change and bought some breakfast then it was back on the plane again from San Francisco to Houston TX. Our plane arrived in Houston 40 minutes late. Which was most unfortunate since we had all of 7 minutes from the time it was scheduled to land until boarding started for our next flight. Fearing the worst we ran as fast as two adults carrying 3 pieces of heavy carry on + 4 year old + a 6 month old baby can run to the gate. Turns out the held the plane for us. We were the LAST ones on board. Really thought we were gonna miss that flight but  super grateful we didn’t. Felt gooooood to land in our home airport of Nashville.

It was an epic family vacation. Not sure if we’ll ever top that one. At least not within the next few years. Thanks to the trauma, er, I mean, newly gained experience of taking a trip like that with an infant we won’t be doing anything that adventurous for quite some time. At least not until I’ve developed a healthy dose of amnesia.

As usual the best way for me to remember wonderful experiences is visually. So, I bring you Maui! As seen through the lens of our camera and or iphone. Whichever was on call at the moment.

First, there was packing. I tried to be efficient. I really did. But, I still overpacked. Just.can’

Suitcases packed for Maui

Suitcases packed for Maui

A sweet card created by the daughter of our host family was laid out in the room we stayed in. ❤

Welcome to Maui Card!

Welcome to Maui Card!

After arriving our wee man decided that 4:30 AM was a perfectly acceptable time to wake up. After all, that was 9:30 AM Central time and you should have seen the proud look on his face. “I so totally slept in today Mom. Aren’t you proud??” Me: <mooooooan> Since the rest of the house, Doodles, Steve and our host family included was asleep we spent a couple hours in the bathroom where he found this incredibly attractive and friendly baby to wave at. Of all the places to keep a fun baby. In the bathroom trapped in a mirror.

Caleb playing with the baby in the mirror our first morning in Maui

Caleb playing with the baby in the mirror our first morning in Maui

I found this picture amusing. It was from our first trek down to the beach. Please note the glow in the dark whiteness of our child compared to the Maui native kids of our host family.

Doodles spent her first evening relaxing in the hammock with her United Flight wings still attached.

Doodles in the Hammock

Doodles in the Hammock

We had some pretty great views in our hosts back yard.

Sunset from backyard

Sunset from backyard

The sunsets were spectacular.

Maui sunset as seen from hosts Lanai

Maui sunset as seen from hosts Lanai