Hair and Face

It is Wedding Week in my life. A dear friend and honorary sister is getting married this week and I am delighted to be a Bridesmaid. My friend is blessed with hair I used to pray to God to get as a little girl. Super curly. Perfect, tight ringlets curly.

Being the not-so-proud owner of limp, flat, body-less hair myself I haven’t had much compassion for the occasional whining about frizz or the inability to run a brush through her hair my friend would indulge in every so often. Still, her gorgeous hair fascinated me and I began hounding her a few months ago to let me experiment with a Hot (Warm actually) Oil Soak for it. After quite a bit of reading I became convinced this would be the cure for her frizz problem and result in those tight, kinky curls loosening a bit into softer, gentler versions of their former selves.

Understandably a bit skeptical it took her a few months to give into my wheedlings that bordered on out right bribery on occasion. Tonight was the night! Some might say I was taking unfair advantage of a stressed out Bride-to-Be who has too much on her plate. (ahem) I neither deny nor confirm any such rumor. Upon getting her long awaited for yes I delightedly scampered off to blend the concoction that has been burbling around my head for months. While I was at it I decided to try a facial that my wonderful Cousin Anna told me about.

Into the Hair Bowl went:

1/3 Cup Coconut Oil

1/4 Cup Sunflower Oil

Splish/splash of Extra Virgin, Organic Olive Oil (Nope, I didn’t measure on the others, just guessed. Not really sure how to translate a splish splash into measurement so you are going to be stuck with what I know. Splish Splash is it.)

1/4 Cup Jojoba Oil

15-20 Drops of Lavender Essential Oil

6-8 Drops Geranium Essential Oil

Was supposed to have some Rosemary Essential Oil, about 8 drops worth but I couldn’t find mine in the oils cabinet (Probably still packed with the camping stuff from this last weekend) and did not want to take the time to dig it out.

The oils gently warmed together in the bowl in the toaster oven while I mixed up the facial.

1/4 Cup Raw, un-refined Honey (the kind that has been exposed to cold and is as a result is thick and grainy)

1 Tablespoon Local Bee Pollen. This Bee Pollen is in large round chunks/blobs that looked like “Boogers” according to one slightly queasy and grossed out looking on-looker. Don’t let the looks intimidate you. This stuff is magic. Seriously.

15 Drops Jojoba Oil

Stir together vigorously. The Jojoba Oil should be well emulsified into the honey and the biggest crystals broken up.

Scuttling over to my friend clutching both bowls before she changed her mind I quickly set to work.  Towel around her shoulders I began gently massaging the oil into her hair. Most resources I read recommended first dampening the hair before adding Oil.  I chose to put this oil mixture straight onto her hair dry. If her hair were any less coarse/damaged than it was I would have dampened it with water first but in her case I wanted the maximum amount of oil possible absorbing in for the moisturizing-healing effects.  Once her entire scalp and last bit of hair was thoroughly saturated (take the opportunity to give a nice scalp massage while you are at this. Feels amazing, or so I’m told) I wrapped her head in Plastic Wrap to control any drippies and moved onto the facial.

The texture of the honey mixture was stiff but became easier to work with. I gently massaged it into her face and neck for ten to fifteen minutes while her hair soaked. The large kernels of Bee Pollen acted like gentle exfoliators while the honey conditioned, toned and moisturized with all the live enzymes restoring and rejuvenating. Fearing the subject of my experiement was going to fall asleep on me I sent her off to the bathroom for a shower in an oily sticky state that was somewhat startling to look at and anxiously awaited her return.

She came out with the most gorgeous dewy glow to her skin I have ever seen. “You have GOT to feel my face” she said. I did. UnbeLIEVably soft. The hair was also a pleasant surprise. The tight kinky curls, usually tighter than ever after being wet lay in soft, relaxed ringlets. She said she had shampooed her hair twice to get the bulk of the oil out. We watched until some strands dried to see if it would boing back up but it didn’t! The true test will come in the morning, to see if it makes it through the night in it’s current state of relaxed, healthy, glowing vibrant and oh so soft state.

Seeing these impressive results I had to try the left-over facial myself. I am sitting here writing this with a goofy grin of delight on my face. This post is taking about five times longer than it should because I keep stopping to rub my cheek and feel how awesomely soft it is.

It’s late and there is a big day of Birthday Celebrations and last minute Wedding Shopping Things to be done tomorrow starting early AM (I pick up my Bridesmaids dress from being altered, hurrah!) but I wanted to share these things before life shoved it down the chain of priorities. Let me know if you try either of these recipes! =D I owe my Cousin Anna a big “Thank you” Hug the next time I see her. If you should happen to get soft glowing skin from this experiment I’ll accept a hug of thanks for it too. =D

Butterflies, Magic and Photos

Nope, nothing to do with food. Nothing to do with my every-day life either. Just something on my mind lately.

The delicate beauty of Butterflies has always fascinated me. To me they are a creature that bridges the gap between the make believe world of Elves, Fairies and Unicorns and the reality we live in. They are like little fluttering symbols of the bits of magic and beauty that should be in our daily lives but usually isn’t.

Butterflies came back to the fore-front of my mind a few months ago when I had a dream about a dear friend that was in a very stressful and dangerous time in her life. I went to sleep that night praying protection over her and her son. In the dream the danger of violent harm was coming to her house. I prayed as hard as I could in the dream that she would be protected because it seemed as though there were no normal recourse for her safety. Just as the danger got close to her house a huge butterfly came down and landed on her little house completely encompassing it. Quietly folding it’s wings down over her yard it was like a gigantic camaflouge blanket covering her home, and her and her son in safety while they slept. Those intending her harm were unable to find her and the beautiful butterfly blended in perfectly with the dark night and snow patterned streets and their lights.

I woke up crying yet smiling at the same time with an overwhelming sense of peace that my friend would be alright.

A dream is just that. A dream, but it awakened in me a new fascination with these beautiful creatures from a photographic point of view. I have been struggling along in my own bone-headed way trying to learn how to be a better photographer and discovered that Butterflies make very challenging subjects. Particularly when one doesn’t have all of the cool equipment that would make it easier to capture them. The past few weeks I’ve stalked Butterflies all over our yard, all over the park we visited, and drove down a dirt road shooting pictures of them as I stood precariously balancing through the sunroof of the car.

Hope you enjoy some of these images even a tiny bit as much as I enjoyed capturing them! =)

Three in a Row

Three in a Row

Fly Butterfly, Fly

Fly Butterfly, Fly

Butterfly Social

Butterfly Social

A thing of Beauty

A thing of Beauty



Ready for launch

Ready for launch

Stunning Details

Stunning Details

And one last shot to close this photo post.

Evening by the River

Evening by the River

Ok, so maybe one more. Another photo with a bit of magic in it. If I were to write a story about this photo it would be about a Fairy that took a journey across the Pebbly Creek to visit an Ailing Toad on the other side. She brought some fairy dust with her to mix in some tea to help the poor Toad recover from his cold. As she stepped off of the Flowercraft she slipped and a bit of dust spilled out and sprinkled the water with diamonds.  The grass plank in-place awaiting her return for the journey back.  There would of course be much much more to the story but, that’s the snippet that would explain the photo. =D

FairyCraft in the Diamond Shallows

Hope you all have a wonderful day with a touch of magic to it. Even if it’s just enjoying the beauty of a Butterfly as it flits through your life! =)