Insomnia = Chicken Research

So in addition to a new baby making my sleeping times sporadic I’ve had an awful case of insomnia. Nothing like being a literal walking zombie so tired your bones ache yet not being able to sleep. So, while my baby is sleeping and I’m *not* and my ability to concentrate on things I should be concentrating on is nill I fill my time with randomly selected research projects.

Tonight it was all things chicken. We really want to get a couple of hens so our kitchen scraps can go to good use. Avoiding roosters right now because our subdivison neighbors would probably be very displeased with us if a Rooster started welcoming the very early morning loudly the way they like to do.

One of my research items was to find a Soy Free grain recipe that I could make at home. It can be difficult to find soy free chicken feed and even when you can find it is usually very expensive. We hope and plan to feed our future chickens mostly on our kitchen and household scraps but occasional grain supplementation will be needed.

I came across this recipe that looks very useful. Original credit for the recipe goes to the Weston A. Price Foundation. Figured this might be helpful for other future or current chicken owners out there who would like a soy-free alternative.

Soy Free Chicken Feed

Heirloom Breed Chicken

Heirloom Breed Chicken

7 parts wheat
2 parts whole or cracked corn
2 parts kamut
1.5 parts sesame seeds
1 part hulled barley
1 part millet
1 part oat groats
1 part quinoa
1 part sunflower seeds
1/2 part flax seeds (soaked and dried)
1/2 part kelp granules
1/4 part finely ground eggs shells (make sure they’re dried/cooked first)
fraction of non-iodized salt

Has anybody ever use this recipe or any other homemade chicken feed formulation?


CoQ10: The Crucial Component

Beeyoutiful recently added to it’s line a supplement I’ve long wanted the company to carry. We had a hard time finding a product that was ether not in a bad oil (usually soy), or made with less than desirable processing methods.  The few that we found that were high quality had also *very* high price tags. After years of looking around we finally found one that met our quality criteria as well as being reasonably affordable.

Although it is a very well known supplement in many circles I’ve been surprised at how many people have only ever heard of it but don’t really understand what it does or how it works.

First of all let’s summarize what it is exactly. CoQ10 occurs naturally within the part of our cells that are responsible for energy production. CoQ10 plays a major role in the production of adenosine triphosphate or ATP, the basic energy unit and the major energy source for the execution of a large variety of different body functions, such as muscle contraction and protein production. The human body can manufacture CoQ10 but production slows down and even halts as we get older. There are dietary sources for CoQ10…it is found in whole grains, oily fish and organ meats. This is an item that the body requires fats in order to fully utilize. This makes organ meats and fatty fish the best dietary sources of it in terms of optimal utilization. If you take it in a concentrated supplement form like what is offered via Beeyoutiful I *highly* recommend you eat it with a meal that is high in good fats or take it with a fat based supplement like Omega 3-6-9 or Cod Liver Oil.

So what situations or health issues does it help with specifically?

First of all, allow me to point out that this is one supplement that is of benefit to anybody. Especially if you are like me and do not eat enough (cough cough) or any organ meats to speak of. Because it does it’s work on a very basic cellular level it’s a tool the body will utilize in maintaining good health in addition to repairing or healing from a specific problem.

There are however some very specific health situations it is especially beneficial for.

Diabetes: CoQ10 can help control blood sugar and the possible long-term complications of diabetes, such as heart disease, high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. Two studies have found that 100 mg of CoQ10 twice daily improved A1c levels, a measure of long-term blood sugar control.

Heart Health: One clinical study found that people who took daily CoQ10 supplements within 3 days of a heart attack were less likely to have subsequent heart attacks and chest pain. They were also less likely to die of heart disease than those who did not take the supplements. Clinical research also indicates that introducing CoQ10 prior to heart surgery, including bypass surgery and heart transplantation, can reduce damage caused by free radicals, strengthen heart function, and lower the incidence of irregular heart beat during the recovery phase.

High Blood Pressure: Several clinical studies  suggest that CoQ10 may lower blood pressure. However, it may take 4 – 12 weeks to see any change. After reviewing 12 clinical studies, researchers concluded that CoQ10 has the potential to lower systolic blood pressure by up to 17 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure by 10 mm Hg, without significant side effects.

Parkinsons, Huntingtons and other Neurological related age associated disorders: An initial study has indicated that CoQ10 slows the disease progression in early on-set Parkinson patients. The group in the study that supplemented with the largest amount of CoQ10 (1,200 mg per day) experienced a 44% less decline in mental function, motor movement and ability to maintain normal daily activities than the placebo group. Some improvements were seen in the groups that received 300 mg and 600 mg per day but were not nearly as significant as those who received 1,200 per day. There have also been studies using CoQ10 in Huntington patients with measurable improvements noted.

Because of the way CoQ10 works within the body it is a valuable supplement for anyone who is suffering from age related mental struggles. For this same reason it is also helpful for special needs children and adults.

Take away points:

1) It’s good for everybody. From Children to the Elderly. Even if only used because of it’s powerful antioxidant properties to help the body “clean up” it’s act. It is most important to consider supplementing if the diet does not include organ meats or other foods naturally high in CoQ10.

2) Dosages vary greatly depending on what the compelling physical or dietary need is. Research to find out what dose would be ideal for you and take it accordingly.

3) Because of it’s powerful antioxidant and “clean up” actions within the body it has been shown to reduce the negative side effects of some prescription medications but also to mess with how other prescription medications are able to work. Check with your prescribing Dr. or Pharmacist before supplementing with CoQ10 if you are on prescription medications.

4) Take it with fat. Either in a meal or in a supplement form such as Evening Primrose Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Omega 3-6-9 etc. Failure to take it with a fat source will seriously impede the bodies ability to utilize it at all.

CoQ10 in Capsules from Beeyoutiful

CoQ10 in Capsules from Beeyoutiful